psalm seventy-one

you have allowed me to suffer much hardship, but you will restore me to life again and lift me up from the depths of the earth. You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again.

this psalm is for the one who’s hurt from the past and the present, but finds hope in the fact that God’s promises are truer and more faithful than anything we know. (vs. 22 ‘i will praise you…b/c you are faithful to your promises O God’) he is not saying ‘will you restore me?’, but two times: ‘you will restore me’ and then ‘you will comfort me’. he is not even saying ‘i am praising you for your faithfulness’ perhaps b/c he doesn’t feel like praising in the downpour of rain while writing this. but he does say to God that he will. like he knows he’ll come around in a little while, cause he can’t deny the truth and he’s like ‘i can’t sulk in my pool of self-pity for much longer or it’ll eat me up! instead i know ‘i will praise…i will sing…i will shout…i will tell’.

after & during the pain of going thru adultery, it was tempting for me to sulk, to point my own fingers at me & all but ask people to feel bad for me. but then if someone said ‘i’m so sorry’ in my mind i was all, ‘i dont want you to feel sorry for me!’. psalms like this one always put my mind back in its place: off of me, off the circumstance, and onto the power that could and did make me more than a conqueror. it took a couple of years to heal & learn restoration & 4.5 yrs later we’re still workin’ out trust now & then, but yeah, oh yeah, that demon’s butt was kicked, against all odds. and now i am praising, i am singing, i am shouting & i am telling anyone and everyone ~ our marriage is restored!